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Reflect - step back and review the way you govern, test against best practice

Assess - your biggest challenges and objectives, choose approach 

Select - leverage our proprietary Symptom-Measure-Outcome Framework to map out vast range of potential measures

Prioritise - narrow down the list based on desired impact, speed and effort to implement

Implement - design, deploy and deliver the optimal measures. And yes, we can support!

symptoms - measures - outcomes

With so many different approaches out there it might be challenging to navigate governance space. Similar symptoms may indicate multiple opportunities, same outcomes can be achieved with different measures (therefore financial and non financial costs). 

We have thoroughly scanned through most existing frameworks and their real-life applications in different organisations to map out which measures are most effective for specific cases, which symptoms they help address, how much resource do they take. In fact, we've analysed them against all the optimisation dimensions as described here

Then we've merged it all into a big data lake and now we want to make it work for you. 

Just ask!

Please contact us to know more