Non-exec / NED

As a Non Executive director you will be well aware of the expectations of corporate governance. A lot of it is heavily regulated and there is a lot of dedicated training and advice available, including legal. You may want to explore the support available from thought leading organisations like Good Governance Institute, unless you are already familiar with them.

It is important to step back time to time and evaluate effectiveness of your Board and your contribution in particular. It is good practice to formally do a review every 3 years anyway, ideally with independent third-party support.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • Are you and the Board as Strategic as required?

  • Do you have sufficient visibility and assurance from the Executive?

  • Are strategic measures clear and SMART?

  • Are you confident in Risk management approach?

  • How reliable is Continuity planning? E.g. Executive succession planning?

Some holistic opportunities:

  • Ensure operational Risk escalation procedures reach the Board level

  • Understand or confirm the link between operational measures and KPIs and board reporting

  • Adopt portfolio governance at the Board level to stay on top of key initiatives

  • Confirm executive are recognising and tracking all assets (including employees, data, ways of working, etc)

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