
As an independent decision maker, you see the world of opportunities and want to seize them. You are prepared to take the risks, but really counting on the reward in case of victory. Moving at pace is often crucial for success, resources are limited and need to be focused on achieving the goal. You certainly respect the law and do your best to comply with all relevant regulations, but at minimum cost and distraction. The complexity continues to rise, especially as the scale grows, and although you are prepared to do what's required, you may not necessarily see any further value in governance.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • What are the Measures of ultimate success? Just success?

  • Are you prepared to capitalise the opportunities your success may bring?

  • Do you recognise and have a good handle of all your assets? People? Data? Unique ways of doing things? Secret ingredient?

  • Do you know the biggest fine you may be liable to?

  • What is the biggest damage one person can inflict to your business?

  • How many of your initiatives are on hold until better times? When is the last time you took stock?

Some holistic opportunities:

  • Leverage well established transformation governance techniques to help deliver your goals

  • Recognise and formalise your wider assets and ensure you have a way to track utilisation and minimise risks of loss

  • Adopt integrated scenario (risk and opportunity) planning at all levels of organisation

  • Tap into great vastness of expertise a Board of NEDs can bring into your business

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